Zoom Zoom

Zoomzoom Web
May 14, 2013 | Happy Tails

I had been searching for a pomeranian, but I kept seeing Blaney. She looked so much like the dog we already have; I thought they could be sisters! Anyway, I went to IndyHumane to get her. I could not stand seeing her face stare at me every time I visited the website. When I got there, she was the only dog in the place and was extremely timid. 
It was probably 3 months before she would quit running if I moved too quickly, especially while she was eating. It took 1 year to get her calm enough not to dart outside at every blowing leaf, and it was a good 3 years before she would trust others. Now, she is the prankster of the house and is friends with everyone. We now call her Zoom Zoom because she can take off like lightning. She and her look alike, Tilly, are best friends. In the picture, Zoom Zoom is on the right and Tilly is on the left.