
Stitch Web
February 7, 2014 | Happy Tails

We adopted a wonderful two-year-old beagle named Stitch (you knew him as Elmer) last year. February 1st will be our one year anniversary together, and I wanted to thank all of you for making this happen. Before visiting your establishment, I was looking on your site, and as soon as we saw Stitch, we knew he was the dog for us. For one of the very few times in my life, I was right. From day one, he has fit right in and there is so much love that is shared between all of us. Don’t get me wrong, he probably is not what most people consider the perfect dog. He has made a mistake or two in our house and his hair is everywhere, but then again, we are probably not the perfect family. But I do believe that he is very happy, and there is not a morning that goes by that he does not wake us up with a wag of the tail and the most beautiful doggy smile in the world. He is so full of energy and is has such a wonderful sense of humor. Numerous times, someone at our house has a bad day or something goes wrong, but as soon as we get home, Stitch seems to sense it, and within minutes we forget what was troubling us. He loves to play keep-away with his toys, and he always wants to be with you, even if it is to simply lay down beside you. He is the sweetest dog and I could write volumes about how happy that Stitch allowed us to be his forever family. I really cannot imagine life without him. 
I will close with the moment that I think he finally started believing we are a family. A few months after we got him, we went out of town for one night. We could not bring him so we put him in a kennel for just the one night. When we dropped him off, he seemed so sad. I figured it was because he was in a new place with a bunch of new people and new dogs. The next day, when we picked him up, the moment he saw us he instantly went into hyper drive. The people that worked there said that was the first time he moved since we left. He had open access to the outside, but he didn’t go. He just laid on the little bed that was his the whole time. They were actually worried that he was sick or something. The lady that works there came up with the theory that since he was a rescue dog, this probably has happened before. He was dropped off somewhere and nobody ever came back. When we did, I think he believed in his heart that we would never do that. He now knows that he is ours and we are his. Our house is his house and we are together forever. I personally think he is okay with that. Anyway, he is awesome and we love him to death. God bless all you for all you do!